
Mansion compact書架型喇叭-連續兩年獲得雙重肯定!

2013 Design for Asia Merit Recognition

2014 CES Innovation Award 


New York, New York, November 12, 2013 – COIN AUDIO today announced that it has been named an International CES Innovations 2014 Design and Engineering Awards Honoree for Mansion Compact. Products entered in this prestigious program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, independent engineers and members of the trade media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting edge consumer electronics products across 29 product categories.

The dream and ambitions
Like all great endeavours, it all started with a dream. It was our aim that children and family should grow up in an environment where music played a central role. Not necessarily a dominant role, but letting children hear and appreciate good music as an educational background to their normal family life. We were also convinced that other families shared this point of view.

This central dream has dominated the project because the Mansion speakers were NOT conceived as some kind of technical specification, but rather as a cultural theme combining high-end sound performance and aesthetic quality.

Mansion Compact will be displayed in The Venetian at the 2014 International CES, which runs January 7-10, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Together with other Innovations 2014 Design and Engineering honoree products, Mansion Compact is featured on CESweb.org/Innovations, which lists product categories, as well as each product name, manufacturer information, designer, description, photo and URL.

Mansion Compact使用的是氣動高音與COIN AUDIO自行設計的5.25吋紙振膜中低音單體. 近年來愈來愈多的國際品牌開始採用氣動高音, 也是因為氣動高音的優點很多:

  1. 氣動高音以類似手風琴的平面皺褶振膜作為發聲體, 發聲面積比其他傳統高音的面積大數倍, 所以更容易驅動空氣, 提升發聲效率與高頻音壓
  2. 高頻延伸性極強, 能自然呈現高頻細節及微動態
  3. 結合以上兩個優勢, 氣動高音具有能表現出聲音透明度的優異能力, 或是說能發出一般所謂較通透的聲音。

整體而言, Mansion Compact的主要特色如下:

  1. 三頻非常平衡, 特別是人聲與樂器的表現能呈現豐富韻味與溫暖質感, 很容易入耳, 適合長時間的聆聽。
  2. 喇叭對後牆的距離要求小, 適合一般家庭喇叭擺放空間有限的狀況。
  3. 體積小卻能量充沛, 能創造出寬廣又具深度的音場規模。
  4. 定位感強, 容易擺位。